Abdul Rimaaz Business Consultant

Can’t use the web to promote your Psychologist services and thus increase the number of your patients?



The Digital Marketing Strategies for Psychologists specially designed, to promote your presence on the WEB.

The psychology and marketing link in reference to the digital marketingway, can no longer be underestimated to make its professionalism visible and thus be able to obtain customers also through the web.

Psychological Web Marketing is based on three fundamentals CLARITY, SECURITY (TRUST) and above all SERIOUS ING.

This is because your patient, before becoming one, is a web argonaut who browses like everyone else in search of the satisfaction of his need, does not know you, does not know who you are and needs to find even before deciding to choose you, certainties and trust for what you can do for him.

That’s why you need a Psychologists Web Marketing Consultant to develop the psychologist business card for you on the web.

My work is dedicated precisely to supporting Psychologists and Psychotherapists in promoting their professional activity on the web.

Building an immediate and navigable website for you

A website must first be responsive and user friendly, allowing easy navigability from mobile devices thanks to its adaptive and fluid layout.

In this way, every reader can easily find every piece of information they are looking for.

Building an effective SEO strategy for you

It is unthinkable to have a beautiful and unique website, if it is not visible in the eyes of search engines, such as Google.

Having a site like this, can make you cheer in front of your colleagues, but if it’s not visible to your potential patients, it’s completely useless.

Create social profiles and campaigns for you with Facebook ADS

A professionally done social media marketing strategy can really lead to amazing results.

Social media increases your visibility, so if properly curated, they will bring notoriety and recognition, which are critical especially in its industry. People are looking for security, as has already been said, and that is what we need to work on.

These are the three fundamental points on which a productive Digital Marketing Strategy is based.

From here we will start together to make, your online presence, successful.


It helps you to take
care of your professionalism online and find new customers through the web.

These are the three fundamental points on which a productive Digital Marketing Strategy is based.

From here we will start together to make, your online presence, successful.

Today there is no person, who before consulting a professional, does not go to read references and specializations on specific sites.

Today there is no person, looking for the answer to his symptom, to his discomfort, putting a keyword on Google.

What if your site, your professional card, your studio presentation, is the answer to that need that the user is looking for?


It takes a professional to work on your online presence, if you rely on improvised, improvisations you will have, and wanting to be you, a serious professional, I advise you to avoid these unpleasant situations.

I have been studying Digital Marketing Strategies for years, and I have specialized alongside above all the work of freelancers.


To establish effective Digital Strategies, you need to have excellent graphic features, which accompanied by a good deal of creativity, can be the right key, and the right combination for a winning marketing operation, bringing interest, new users and therefore potential patients to your profession.


Time is a key element in this study.

In fact, marketing strategies become successful, because they are built from good bases, spread over time.

Never, ever trust who can sell you success (e.g. reaching your patients), in a short time and right away, because this is not possible, and will never happen, unless you are a huge name and luminary worldwide in your specialization.