Abdul Rimaaz Business Consultant

Website Restyling

Site restyling and focused on rebranding on wordpress destinations, fractional or absolute, furnishing you with the best instruments to accomplish your objectives.

Restyling of sites planned with a view to User Experience, which ensure the most ideal design and use on a gadget.

Your new site will be quick, dependable, secure, responsive, web index streamlined and prepared to change over.

The restyling of a site? An extremely fragile stage

At the point when a site restyling is done , efficiently, unpracticed consultants and thoughtless web organizations generally mess up the same way: beginning from the illustrations.

As occurs in the production of a site and in the formation of a webpage in wordpress , it is accepted that completing a restyling of the site comprises just in reexamining the tasteful effect of the website, I marvel and I ask you, then, at that point, on account of CMS, Does making a restyling just mean changing the topic of the webpage with a tick?The innovation that encompasses us today goes at speeds unbelievable contrasted with the past and, yes it’s valid, a site that was graphically engaging when it was made, following a couple of years could be out of date and needs improvement.

It is then that you are persuaded (and they persuade you) that in the event that the site doesn’t change over it is just the shortcoming of the illustrations. Clients anticipate eye-getting locales, lovely pictures, new textual styles and amicable variety ranges, and your “old” webpage has been online for a really long time.

Alright, re-try the site, make a total or halfway restyling of your site and afterward you understand that, in spite of you have contributed, nothing occurs by any means, to be sure, frequently the new site “changes over” even less.

Less visits, less clients mentioning data, less contacts than the “old” site. However you have depended on experts, you have paid a visual fashioner, a designer in wordpress for improvement.

The 7 components from which to begin in the Restyling of a site

Before starting the redesign of your website, to develop a more effective plan, it is necessary to consider 7 essential elements:

  • Message;
  • Structure;
  • Identity;
  • Funnel;
  • Credibility;
  • Conversion;
  • Speed

Thoroughly changing a site frequently demands more investment and a greater number of assets than planning and creating sites without any preparation.The restyling of a site creates in a few stages and the primer stage is presumably the most significant.In a propelling business sector, in this stage all that has not worked (subsequently to be reexamined) and all that has worked (accordingly to be kept) is thought of.Dissimilar to a recently sent off site, we have information accessible on which we can situate ourselves.

Today, better than yesterday, we know:

  • what are you doing;
  • who your online business is for;
  • what products and services you offer on the internet and the most purchased;
  • what these products and services offer more than the competition

and, in case this is still not clear, we can establish it with some certainty and orient the message of the new website on the basis of certain data.

In the starter stage, the inside construction of the site online today and the improvement viewpoints will be audited. The essential capability of any site is change and all the rubbing components should fundamentally be distinguished and settled.

Sites that are challenging to explore, befuddling or disordered, pass a similar sensation of your image on to likely clients. Would you like to seem troublesome, befuddled and complicated? Absolutely not!

Today many Italian SMEs still do not understand that a website is above all a powerful tool capable of optimizing most of the processes as well as being the first real , concrete and real business cardfunnel is a sequence of steps designed to turn a prospect into a customer.

Funnels are the quintessential tool that allows many businesses to work online today. Does your old site have a well-structured funnel?

Yes, no, maybe? It is necessary to establish it and define it in the best possible way. conversion is an action you want someone to take.

Potential models are:

  • membership to your mailing list;
  • follow you on informal communities;
  • acquisition of an item or administrations.

These are all “fundamental” and “negligible” changes to “push” the guest where we need, with additional organized channels, and convert him into a dependable client and “evangelist” of your business.

To change over it is fundamental that every one of the components referenced so far are perfectly located.

You can’t change over as you would like in the event that your message isn’t clear, in the event that your site structure isn’t agreeable, in the event that the channel has not been illustrated in each point.

You can’t change over in the event that your possibility doesn’t foster a sensation of trust and until your image becomes believable.

We realize that even a simple exhibit webpage should have the right pipe and we think about this viewpoint in the restyling of every site.

We likewise realize that in the restyling of a site the designs and the speed of the site are fundamental components to which to dedicate the vital consideration, thusly not optional, yet all at once in every case sequential.

First there is significantly more and be careful about the people who just need to re-try the illustrations.

The mistakes to be avoided when restyling a website

The fundamental explanation a site update doesn’t take off is lack of common sense , we figure out that.There are, nonetheless, three different reasons that the plan and restyling of a site fall flat.The main explanation, essentially, concerns all SMEs: the attention on innovation instead of technique .

  • What is the motivation behind the new site?
  • How could an overhauled site speed up the development of my business?
  • How might we (where “we” signifies individuals in your association) guarantee the progress of the new site?
  • What can we or might we at any point do?
  • How far could we at any point go and what must we essentially share with the outside?

It would be sufficient to respond to these straightforward inquiries to endlessly grasp that in the restyling of a site one should begin from the targets and afterward, in view of these, situate oneself in the decisions.For a MPMI (Micro Small Medium Enterprise) picking WordPress, Magento or Shopify ought to be a result not a beginning stage.In the past we utilized for the restyling of WordPress and Prestashop sites just for E-business locales .

That is until Woocommerce allows us to do the same things with multiple levels of customization. Any CMS, any platform, returns simple HTML, CSS and javascript pages to the end user, that’s for sure. For this reason, the technology used becomes important only in case of large/very large trade volumes.

WordPress is also used for e-commerce by major national and international brands.

It makes us think. WordPress has a very low learning curve and allows anyone to get started quickly and independently. If this is not enough, a proprietary domain and own web space with the right applications gives freedom that is not available on third-party platforms and above all protects the company from possible risks related to contractual changes. The second mistake in website restyling concerns the exact goals that are pursued and the way in which they are designed. Strategy is important and goals should be specific, not controlling.

For example, the common request

  • “I want my new website design to look better” can mean many things:
  • I want my brand to look attractive.
  • I want my brand to be known. I want to offer my customers a better experience.
Also, saying “I want to sell more” is very different from saying “I want orders for the IT department to increase by 25% within one year compared to the same period last year”.

Do you know the PURESMART formula ?

We use it a lot in the restyling of websites because it helps us to clarify with the customer.

PURESMART is an acronym consisting of nine letters that corresponds to the nine characteristics that the objective must have to be really well defined and real, namely:

  • Positive;
  • Under your control;
  • Real;
  • Ecological;
  • Specific;
  • Measurable;
  • leading to an Action;
  • Achievable;
  • Temporarily definable.

We will take care of it.

Last but not least, the most common mistake in website restyling is to think that because the initial investment has already been made in creating the website, the restyling phase involves lower costs. What the client often doesn’t know is that those involved in creating a website would rather start a website from scratch than do a restyling or rebranding. This is due to several reasons. The least considered thing is that restyling a professional website takes more time than designing, developing and creating a website from scratch. It is clear that they do not care about the end customer and it is believed that a small budget is needed to restyling the website.