Abdul Rimaaz Business Consultant


Compared to lines of credit or traditional bank loans, financing linked to factoring offers the opportunity to get, quickly and easily,construction companies ,the funds you require. In this blog we explain how to take advantage of them as a construction company of minor works so that you materialize your work in a timely manner. Generate...

How to open a consulting company? Step-by-step guide with tips

Starting a consulting company can be a good alternative for an experienced or qualified professional. Even in times of crisis, like the one we are experiencing, the segment continues to grow. Hiring a consulting company has been an increasingly used strategy for companies that need to solve complex problems, reduce costs, innovate technologically or even...

Inbound Marketing: What It Is And How It Is Earned, Secrets of the Inbound Method

The advent of the Internet has dramatically transformed the way we read, communicate, listen to music, watch TV, inform ourselves, travel, shop, participate in politics. The epochal web based revolutions could not leave marketing unscathed either . In fact, even in our sector the strength of the Net has unleashed its shock wave leveling the...