Abdul Rimaaz Business Consultant

10 tips for hiring the best comprehensive renovation company by Abdul Rimaaz

Are you thinking of hiring a comprehensive renovation company? A company specialized in renovations, offers 11 tips to find the right renovation company and make sure there are no surprises in the next project Everyone has heard the expression, “Quality has a price.” This saying is never more relevant than when planning a reform or...

Business Strategy | Benefits of a Strategic Planning

Business Strategy Planning provides the necessary elements to guide the course that the business must follow to reach a safe harbor. Removing the myths of Strategic Planning, bringing it closer to all types of companies and making its application practical are some of the great achievements of this book, written by a man with long...

Business Consulting | Boards of Directors for Companies

Being a businessman or CEO of a “company” is, without a doubt, one of the great privileges of human beings. Generate satisfactory for society, innovate products for clients, give direct and indirect employment to citizens, develop the productive chain of suppliers, contribute to the development of society through the payment of taxes (infrastructure, schools, hospitals,...

A successful strategic plan

Many people like to lay the first stone in a new construction, hoping that the project will be completed very soon. Sometimes projects are started with great enthusiasm but remain unfinished and half finished. Similarly, many people or organizations put their dreams (Business Vision) on paper, in black and white; your first stone. But as...

Business Consultant, Business advisors, Specialized construction activities

Abdul Rimaaz is a specialized construction andbusiness consultant is trained to advise your marketing plan. It can advise, for example, improvements in terms of your company’s Internet presence position one of its brands or implement new strategies to win customers. Being a business consultant and construction