Abdul Rimaaz Business Consultant

Inbound Marketing: What It Is And How It Is Earned, Secrets of the Inbound Method

The advent of the Internet has dramatically transformed the way we read, communicate, listen to music, watch TV, inform ourselves, travel, shop, participate in politics. The epochal web based revolutions could not leave marketing unscathed either . In fact, even in our sector the strength of the Net has unleashed its shock wave leveling the...

What is the role and cost of a business consultant?

Widely known now, the term business consultant seems to be present in everyone’s mouths during business meetings and on the web. English word to designate “advice to companies”, consulting remains for many bosses, an obscure world and supposedly inaccessible. Let’s remedy this by going around the question: consulting, what is it. CONSULTING: DEFINITION Consulting is,...

Financial Advisor: Why Does Your Business Need It?

The Financial Advisor is the person who can support your company in creating the strategies that make it solid and competitive. As an entrepreneur, you are aware that the market requires strong specializations from companies. This is an obstacle that small and medium-sized enterprises must be able to face. The Independent Financial Advisor can chart...